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In ancient times, bronze bulls were very popular. People often monitored the water level, and cattle were used as objects of repression. Bronze bulls became important materials of sculpture, and now they are very popular.



Cattle, which means "bullish and blessed", has been regarded as an auspicious beast since ancient times. In ancient myths, it once served as a mount for immortals. However, in reality, people have a high opinion of cattle. Cows are hardworking and spiritual beasts, so they have been invented as mascots of prosperous undertakings. Let's take a look at the feng shui function of copper cattle and their placement.



Cows work hard and have a kind of resilience, which is of great help to the cause of prosperity and the official movement. Their aura can teach people to bear forbearance and seize the time to attack. In the traditional oriental culture, cattle are the most praised animals. The quality of cattle is simple, hard-working, hard-working, persevering and fearless of difficulties. Therefore, in the official workplace, if you encounter difficulties or lack confidence in the competition, then copper cattle are the best feng shui products, and putting cattle indoors can make you overcome difficulties and get ahead.



Cattle are absolutely 100% lucky animals in Feng Shui. Cattle also have a kind of domineering and toughness. People who do partial wealth business especially hit people who take soil as their wealth star. Copper cattle have a strong fortune, especially the role of turning partial wealth into wealth. Putting it in the position of Feng Shui Fortune Star has the function of prospering wealth, transforming evil spirits and praying for happiness. The role of cattle is mainly to make a fortune, and to do business is the most auspicious.



After talking about the feng shui function of the copper cow, let's talk about the placement of the copper cow. The best orientation of the feng shui cow is the north-northeast orientation. Secondly, cattle should be placed according to their functions, so as to promote the official movement. Business movement can be placed in the office, on the bookshelf, or in the middle of the desk. If it is used for lucky, it can be placed at the entrance of the room, and it is best to face the door and the window. If it is used to turn evil spirits into a town house, it can remedy the defects of the home and the lack of corners and corners of the house.